Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Longterm, harmful effects from hemorroid cream used on puffy eyes?

After searching the net on advice for puffy eyes, hemorroid cream stood out the most..... I'm, a bit wary about using it on my eyes though, but if it works and theres no side effects then i don't see the harm... Do u use it even? Does it work for u?Longterm, harmful effects from hemorroid cream used on puffy eyes?
Haemorrhoid cream's active ingredient is a mild steroid. This reduces swelling in haemorrhoids, hence relieving the pain and also why people use it for puffy eyes. However, prolonged use of any steroid cream thins the skin, ask any eczema sufferer! The skin around your eyes is already much thinner than the rest of the skin on your body and any thinning can cause the risk of splitting or stretching permanently. This really means this is not a long term solution to your eye problems and should be reserved only for special occasions when you need a quick fix. For every day it's the same old boring story, eat fresh dark green veg and drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins that are causing the puffiness and of course stay away from stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes. The old fashioned way really is best but yes I agree quick fixes are very tempting lol!! Good luckLongterm, harmful effects from hemorroid cream used on puffy eyes?
I've heard that models use that method for puffy eyes. I wouldn't have thought it's harmful, the area it's intended for is a very sensitive one as well, but just don't get it right IN your eyes at all.

My.... god. I've never heard of such a thing but I was quite surprised to find out that swishing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide is good for whitening teeth :)

Yeah, I guess anything is possible but still... Maybe ask a Doctor first?

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