This is what I have heard about it. Years ago I heard that these rich women would go to the spa and that is what all that fancy cream for the eyes was. You know what, next Thursday I go see my eye doctor and I will ask her what she thinks. I have used it for that before, not long term. Why spend lots of $ when you can find something that works just as well for cheaper. I will use the foot cream. Geez, if it helps my feet to soften them up, what do you think it will do to my face!Does preparation-H, the hemorrhoid cream really help with puffy eyes?
If you are dumb enough to put chemicals intended for your anus near your eyes you deserve what you get.
You had better check with your eye doctor before you try that stunt, because if you are wrong, they might not be able to restore your eyesight, and you will be blinded for life just because of your vanity.
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