You should always use sunscreen no matter what your age.
But the anti againg creams and eye creams would be good to start in your late 20's and gradually progress into your 30's. It's never too early to start taking care of your skin to prevent futher damage along the road.At what age did u start taking care of your skin- antiwrinkle, sunscreen, eye creams, etc?
I'm 14 years old and I REALLY take care of my skin every day. I use a face wash and acne scrub before going to bed. then I put moisturizer and burts bee eye cream on and head to bed. when I wake up everything is soaked into my face and then the next night I do it all over again.
I started taking care of my skin when i was really young, i'd say 12 or 13. I had pretty bad acne. Also from wearing a lot of makeup because of my acne at such a young age..i have some wrinkles under my eyes..they aren't bad at all..but i figure if i use an anti-wrinkle cream now..maybe in a couple years it wont be very noticable.
Most of you people start looking old at 25. I say start doing it at 21. And stop sitting out in the sun all day. That makes your skin leathery looking by the time you're 30. Forget trying to have a nice dark tan.
I just started last year. For some reason I always had normal skin hardly ever got pimples, til last year I started breaking out nasty, so since then I now take very good care of my skin, I get facials at least once a month and I now wear moisturizer, eye cream and sunscreen twice a day, and of course also wash my face 2 times a day.
its never too early to start to cleanse tone and moisturise your skin or do whatever your routine that works for you best.
Most girls start buying lotions and potions in their teens and experiment with them, and by mid twenty most try anti-wrinkle even before needed as a just in case.. its whatever makes you feel good .. Just go with what you feel...if a product makes you feel good use it.. who cares if its for an 8 or 80 year old..
Hope this helps best of luck xxx
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