I've used that before and yes, it worked, but ot near as well as warm tea bags. Just get some regular run of the mill tea bags and place them in boiling water. Once they cool, place them on your eyes...make sure they are not hot at all...the skin around your eyes is very sensitive. You can also use cucumber slices for puffy eyes...or the best treatment, get more sleep LOL jk ;-) I have allergies nd my eyes get puffy even when I get enough sleep.Eye cream for puffy eyes?
if creams dont work then try slices of cucumber or wet teabags
I like using St. Ives Eye %26amp; Face Stress Gel with cucumber and elastin. It soothes and diminishes lines and puffiness, even reduces the look of stress and fatigue around the eyes.
It's very reasonably priced and can be found in most all department and drug stores.
This might sound strange, but Preparation H is great for puffy eyes. Only use a little bit,though.
i dont have a cream but something ive heard and always works for me is
rubbing your eye ';sockets'; from inside (by nose) to out... push hard ( not too hard!) and do this over and over again... it feels really good plus it relieves puffy eyes!
I think the best thing for puffy eyes is cucumbers along with some rest.
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